Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Getting a Little Antsy

So week one of culinary school is done with and in the history books.  I am only signed up for two classes this quarter, Nutrition and Food Sanitation and Safety, and neither of these are of the "hands-on, in the kitchen" variety.  I was told by my adviser that these are both pre-reqs to my future classes, but I think that he is just trying to hold me back from taking this school by storm.  After one week, I can definitely say that I am antsy to get in the kitchen to learn some new skills.

Fortunately my first class, Food Sanitation and Safety was less boring than I thought it would be.  We spent the first half of class sharing sanitation and safety horror stories.  While a majority of the class told second-hand stories about people they know who dealt with all sorts of insects and bandage apparatuses in their food, I decided to treat everyone with a tale from my 2006 spring break cruise.

The last night of any cruise is marked with a fancy farewell dinner.  My friends and I all dressed (to the nines) and set out to enjoy one more night on board the ship.  After everyone finished their entrees, the entire wait staff came out and marched around a fancy dessert to everyone's tables.  The dessert was a Baked Alaska, which is pretty much an ice cream cake coated with liquor and lit on fire.  Sounds great right?  Well it is, until someone on the wait staff drops it on you....

Luckily this didn't happen to me, but thankfully I was close enough to the person that it did happen to.  Needless to say he wasn't tickled pink over the situation, but at least the lucky stiff was able to get free drycleaning out of it.

Now, the universe is a fickle place.  For every ying there is a yang, for every heads there is a tails and for every Food Sanitation class, there is a Nutrition class.  Now I know I am only one week in, but let's just say that expectations have yet to be met.  I'll keep it brief, but I will say that after experiencing the first two minutes of the class, I expected to see Michelle Pfeiffer walk through the door as our teacher (if you catch my drift), there was an infestation of ants in the southwest corner of the room and I think New York from VH1 is in my class.  Hopefully things pick up in week 2...


  1. You don't need to take a whole nutrition class, just remember the four food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corns, and syrup!

  2. What would you classify this as?
    While the appearance screams candy cane, the fact that it is a lollipop borders on candy...
